Would you believe that vinegar has been around over 10,000 years?! Vinegar means "sour wine" in French and was "discovered" when a cask of wine fermented a bit too long. But no sour grapes here, a little human ingenuity and that wine-gone-bad became as-good-as-gold as a useful by-product of the wine making process.

Earth-friendly vinegar is inexpensive and has a shelf-life that is essentially forever! Vinegar cuts through grease and is anti-bacterial and anti-mold. And, in 2008, 189 million Americans used vinegar.
Want to know what you can do with vinegar? Here are a few tips and suggestions:
No-wax floors:
To wash no-wax floors, add 1/2 cup of white distilled vinegar to a half-gallon of warm water.
Carpet stain removal:
A mixture of 1 teaspoon of liquid detergent and 1 teaspoon of white distilled vinegar in a pint of lukewarm water will remove non-oily stains from carpets. Apply it to the stain with a soft brush or towel and rub gently. Rub with a towel moistened with clean water and blot dry. Repeat this procedure until the stain is gone, then dry quickly, using a fan or hair dryer. This should be done as soon as the stain is discovered.
Streakless windows:
Simply wash with a mixture of equal parts of white distilled vinegar and warm water. Dry with a soft cloth. This solution will make your windows gleam and will not leave the usual film or streaks on the glass.
Coffee maker cleaner (automatic):
White distilled vinegar can help to dissolve mineral deposits that collect in automatic drip coffee makers from hard water. Fill the reservoir with white distilled vinegar and run it through a brewing cycle. Rinse thoroughly with water when the cycle is finished. (Be sure to check the owner's manual for specific instructions.)
Deodorize the kitchen drain:
Pour a cup of white distilled vinegar down the drain once a week. Let stand 30 minutes and then flush with water.
Clean the refrigerator:
Wash with a solution of equal parts water and white distilled vinegar.
Clean and disinfect wood cutting boards:
Wipe with full strength with white distilled vinegar.
Ant Deterrent:
Ant invasions can sometimes be deterred by washing counter tops, cabinets, and floors with white distilled vinegar.
Pet accidents:
Test the color fastness of the carpet with white distilled vinegar in an inconspicuous place. Then sprinkle distilled vinegar over the fresh pet accident. Wait a few minutes and sponge from the center outward. Blot up with a dry cloth. This procedure may need to be repeated for stubborn stains.
Wash fireplaces with a 50/50 ration of water and vinegar to remove the blackened soot on glass front doors. If the doors have a spring-loaded clip, remove it, then take out the doors. Lay them flat on newspapers, spray with the vinegar/water solution and soak. Wipe off with newspaper.
Kill grass:
To kill grass on sidewalks and driveways, pour full strength white distilled vinegar on it.
Fill a cup with white vinegar and set it in your empty dishwasher and run it on the hottest water setting possible once a month.
Want to know more:
Our source: The Vinegar Institute: http://www.versatilevinegar.org/
From the Amish Originals Furniture Co. eNews Archive, April 2008.
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